Paint Artwork

art art art art art art art art art art

Most of the painted works on this page were created with a series of stencils. The stencil areas are lifted, exposing the watercolor papers surface, and paint is then sprayed over the paper's surface either by airbrush or a toothbrush. After the painted areas dry, the stencils are then replaced into the original position, and another area is uncovered. By using more detailed stencils over the exposed areas of the work and repainting, certain patterns or details can be brought out.

I would use a toothbrush over an airbrush any day. Filling the toothbrush with paint and then flicking the end splatters the color onto the paper.  Painting watercolor with the toothbrush gives a rougher, more stippled stroke which dries light, allowing many layers of color to be built on top of one another. Rather a simple process, it’s nice to be able to switch between paints quickly without having to clean out the airbrush equipment and without the bulky respirator problems associated with airbrushed acrylic.